Why does hypnosis work?

  • There are many reasons hypnosis is so effective, here are a few …
    • Hypnosis allows us to bypass the critical factor in the conscious mind and access your subconscious mind where all of your learned emotional responses, unhelpful beliefs and memories are stored. In other words, hypnosis allows us direct access to uncover whatever is sabotaging your highest intentions and keeping you from living the life you desire.
    • Research shows that the mind is connected to the body, meaning the body immediately responds with a physiological response, or a felt sense, to both positive and negative thoughts and emotions. Hypnosis creates the perfect state for awareness of that felt sense, as the hypnotherapist also helps the client understand the cause of that felt sense. That felt sense becomes a gauge for the hypnotherapist to measure positive change during the session. The client also learns to listen to their body felt senses as a signal to address any negative thoughts and emotions before they impact their physical and mental health.
    • Hypnosis is a pathway to learning. Our subconscious mind has many learned negative behaviors (habits) from years of reinforcement. During hypnosis, these behaviors are deconstructed before we introduce healthier behaviors (choices) during hypnosis. We are actually creating new neural pathways after we disconnect the old negative thought loops and transform them with powerful protocols, and positive suggestions and visualizations.
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