Hypnosis is not actually sleep. Although the term hypnosis is derived from the Greek word for sleep, as a clinical experience, hypnosis is simply a deep state of relaxation with amplified inward focus and concentration.
When in light to medium states of hypnosis, your brain waves are in the alpha state which is similar to just before you fall asleep and when you are just waking up.
Like other states of consciousness—such as normal waking consciousness, sleep, dreaming, and intoxication from various drugs—the experience of hypnosis is unique to the person experiencing it. So although there are features of the hypnotic state that are common among people who are hypnotized, it is never exactly the same from one person to another, nor is it the same each time the same person is hypnotized. It depends highly on the client’s desire to relax and their choice to follow the hypnotherapist’s suggestions.