Hypnosis is a totally natural state; it is safe, effective and has no side effects. We simply utilize our mind’s natural ability to create healthy bodies and make healthy decisions with natural, safe, and effective methods of problem resolution to make our lives better.
It is important to realize that all characteristics of hypnosis naturally occur for everyone throughout our day. In ordinary life, we use the creative part of the mind, we accomplish tasks by utilizing the subconscious learnings of our mind, and we experience states of relaxation. In clinical hypnosis, we are simply using the ordinary mental processes of the subconscious mind in a systemic way to solve problems that are destructive in life.
In hypnosis you are always fully aware and fully in control. You can not be made to do anything that would be against your morals or ethics. You can always reject a suggestion given, but all suggestions, affirmations and visualizations are co-created by the client and their hypnotherapist.
Some religious groups use trance for meditation or attaining “spiritual enlightenment,” yet in hypnotherapy, the only religious beliefs that are spoken of are that of the client’s in order to meet the client from their own philosophical world view.
We simply use the natural functions of concentration, relaxation, and the natural abilities of our subconscious mind to resolve difficulties that have caused us problems in life. This is something any healthy religion would actually encourage people to do.