The issues, behaviors and symptoms that hypnotherapy is known to transform are endless. There is so much research to demonstrate the efficacy of hypnotherapy that it is impossible to list it all here. Please see the efficacy and research section of this website.
Research backs hypnotherapy as a treatment for physical problems such as pain management, fibromyalgia, IBS and other gastrointestinal difficulties, migraines, and much more.
Hypnotherapy has also been proven to assist with accomplishing personal goals like test-taking, sports performance enhancement, confidence and self-esteem building, getting over stage fright and public speaking fears, etc., and habit changes, like quitting smoking, losing weight, stopping nail biting, etc.
Hypnotherapy is also a remarkable modality known to help client’s relax, manage stress, and overcome fears and phobias, as well as increase intimacy, improve communication, and manage emotions (i.e. anger, depression or anxiety, etc).